The computer clocks where the last generation pigeon clocks with mechanical parts, the clock works on a battery but for fill in the official race documents the officials needs a small printer associated to the brand of the clock like Junior or Benzing. The clocks of the Computer clock must be setted with buttons and not longer with dials.



Another timelaps other types of clocks caming into the pigeon sport, these quartz clocks where more precisely than there older brothers.

The quartz clocks where used as printer clocks, no winding the spring but just checking the battery status.

These clocks or mostly locks from a pocket watch or alarm bells, the clock is not running, when you bring the mechanism in working for clocking a pigeon, the time will start running, when you go to the club they could see how long the clock was working after which the officials calculated the arrival time of the pigeon.

The same type of clocks where used for the Start / Stop as for the Stop/ Start, the only different is that the clock was running and trough bring the mechanism in working the clock will fall down at the arrival time, the officials of the club had just to make a notice witouth calculating the arrival time of the pigeon.

These type of clocks or to privide of a printing system that push a paper against a clock with ink ribbon, the ink ribbon ensures that the time is printed on the paper.



© TomAerts